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Office Hours: 
Tues. 12-1
Wed. 2-3
Thurs. 3-4
Fri. 12-1
Feel free to email me any questions or concerns and I will respond within 24 hrs.


I hope you all had a relaxing long weekend.

Keep Checking your music SEESAW page for activities and assignments. 


Keep Checking your music SEESAW page for activities and assignments. 



Keep Checking your music SEESAW page for activities and assignments. 





Happy STAR WARS Day!!

I have been working on using Seesaw for activities so check in on your music Seesaw page for activities. But before you head over to Seesaw feel free to enjoy practicing your best Jedi moves to some music from Star Wars.




Welcome back to online learning! I Hope you had a wonderful and relaxing spring "break"! As we know we will not get to have our concert this year but I would love to see you singing your favorite song from How Does your Garden Groove? Send any videos to my email so I can see and hear you singing! 

 (youtube link to the music:


This month has been exceptionally sunny and this week is also Earth Day! To celebrate the sun and Earth Day have have your kiddo listen to the Four seasons by Vivaldi (

While listening have kiddos color, here are some free coloring pages to print out if you would like:

In first grade we have been continuing to work on keeping a steady beat with and without instruments. We have been exploring different instrument families. The past several weeks we have been working on music for our concert. Although we are unsure when the concert will happen here is a link to the music so that your musician can continue to listen and learn the words to our songs.



Log into Quaver through your students Clever account for more music activities.


If your student has not yet visited Quavermusic, I encourage you to explore the possibilities for online learning! Issaquah School District students must access Quaver through their Clever account.  They do not need a separate Quaver username or password.  If you are unfamiliar with how to log onto Clever, please follow these instructions



First  Grade: Lessons
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